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Android Weather App using Darksky API

Android Weather App using Darksky API

Weather forecast data from a free API provided by The android app then parses the data (in JSON format) and display it in a single-page app. it also can handle errors and situations when the network is unavailable.

Features used in this project are:

  1. Networking
  2. OkHttp
  3. DarkSky API
  4. Parsing JSON feed
  5. DialogFragment
Mumble MOTD

Mumble MOTD

Mumble MOTD: Message of the day

MOTD Mumble.ini Message of the day, Example on how to make a Message of the Day (MOTD) on a Mumble server.

Instead of welcometext=“Welcome to this server running Murmur.”

Full Murmur.ini guide

HTML Examples in the Mumble.ini

Example logo in the welcome message:

<a href=""><img alt="Your logo here" src="" width="250"></a>

Examples of a contact/Officer list:
